About Us

One Stop Centre for Bangladesh

Passport and Visa Services

EXPAT Services (Kuala Lumpur) Sdn Bhd

ESKL offers a comprehensive suite of services for passport, visa, immigration, and consular needs. Our commitment to providing a stress-free application process and aiming to make the world accessible to everyone is commendable.

At ESKL, we strive to facilitate a stress-free application process, understanding that each applicant has unique requirements. Our aim is to assist applicants in navigating the process efficiently and accurately.

Our specific service-oriented features distinguish ourselves in several ways:

1. Stress-Free Application Process: We are emphasizing a stress-free One Stop application process is a significant to Visa and Passport applicant. Many individuals find visa and passport applications daunting, so offering a seamless, hassle-free experience is a convenience and peace of mind.

2. Extensive Experience: With a combined management team experience of 27-year legacy, our team likely possesses deep expertise and knowledge in handling various passport, visa, immigration, and consular matters. This extensive experience can be reassuring for clients seeking reliable services.

3. Global Network of Partners: Having a wide network of esteemed partners globally can provide clients with access to resources, support, and information from different regions, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your services.

4. Industry Benchmark for Excellence: Being recognized for setting industry benchmarks for excellence indicates a commitment to high standards, reliability, and quality service delivery.

5. Mission and Vision: Our mission to provide integral solutions worldwide and empower individuals aligns well with the idea of facilitating global mobility. Moreover, aspiring to be the go-to choose for immigration processes, visa consultation, and consular support indicates a clear vision and ambition in the industry.

Assisting Bangladeshi Nationals
for Passport Services


ESKL proudly serves as a trusted partner of the High Commission of Bangladesh in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to manage the administrative and non-judgmental aspects of processing passport services applications.

It is crucial to understand that our role is primarily administrative in nature, and we cannot provide any guarantee regarding the issuance of passports documents. The authority for granting passports documents rests solely with the High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia.

Applicants are fully responsible for the accuracy and integrity of the applications they submit. Any submission of false documentation or misrepresentation of facts will directly impact the decision made by the High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia regarding their application.

Regarding processing times, all applications duly received by ESKL are promptly forwarded to the High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia. The delivery dates mentioned on the receipt are aligned with the service requested and the guidelines set forth by the High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia.

It's important to note that the acceptance of applications by ESKL does not guarantee the issuance of passports services. ESKL is not involved in the assessment of passport applications, nor in the decisions related to approval, rejection, or delays. These matters are entirely at the discretion of the High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia.

Once again, applicants bear the sole responsibility for the applications they submit, and any falsification, incomplete submissions, or invalid supporting documents may directly impact the decisions made by the High Commission of Bangladesh.

Assisting Foreign Nationals
for Visa Services


ESKL takes great pride in its role as a trusted partner of the High Commission of Bangladesh in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, dedicated to managing the administrative and non-judgmental aspects of processing visa services applications.

It is essential to recognize that our primary responsibility is of an administrative nature, and we are unable to provide any assurance regarding the issuance of visa documents. The authority for granting visa documents solely rests with the High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia.

Applicants bear full responsibility for the accuracy and honesty of the applications they submit. Any submission of false documentation or misrepresentation of facts will directly influence the decisions made by the High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia concerning their application.

In terms of processing times, all applications duly received by ESKL are promptly forwarded to the High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia. The delivery dates mentioned on the receipt are in accordance with the requested services and adhere to the guidelines established by the High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia.

It is crucial to understand that the acceptance of applications by ESKL does not guarantee the issuance of visa. ESKL is not involved in the evaluation of visa applications, nor in decisions related to approval, rejection, or delays. These determinations are entirely at the discretion of the High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia.

Please note that the applicants bear the sole responsibility for the applications they submit, and any provision of false information, incomplete submissions, or presentation of invalid supporting documents may directly impact the decisions made by the High Commission of Bangladesh.